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St Nicolas' Church of England Infant School

Living life in all its fullness

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St Nicolas' Church of England Infant School

Living life in all its fullness


Our Intent-What we want to develop and deliver

  • To develop a range of scientific thinking skills and knowledge
  • To develop a range of practical scientific methods and processes.
  • To create a confidence in exploring the world around us and how it works.
  • To be able to raise own questions and recognise the various ways they can be answered.
  • To make observations and explain to others why things occur.
  • To be able to choose and use various types of scientific enquiry and equipment.


Implementation-How we will develop and deliver

  • Cross curricular approach and Challenge Charts
  • First hand experiences (trips and visitors)
  • Quality books/resources/materials and online resources
  • Awe and wonder opportunities: problem solving, element of surprise, looking closely at natural objects and living things
  • Opportunities to explore concepts for themselves through continuous provision approach
  • Encouragement to share observations, theories and predictions and to ask own questions: Wondering Walls, and to seek answers (research skills taught). To hypothesise and make links with existing knowledge, drawing on personal experience within and beyond the classroom.
  • Outdoor learning in EYFS, Garden and Grotto and Forest School.
  • Incredible Eggs is an annual whole school experience from egg to chick.
  • Wisley Gardens whole school trip provides plenty of scientific learning opportunities  e.g leaf comparisons, tree ID, seed planting, plant structure, plant habitats, plant adaptations
  • Collective worship provides opportunities to reflect and wonder about the natural world and how we fit within in (opportunities for awe, wonder and reflection)
  • Eco Therapy sessions outside to explore the natural world whilst addressing the physicality of emotional release.

Impact-How we know we have developed and delivered

  • Our children will be ready for next stage in educational journey 
  • Curiosity to explore, challenge and wonder about scientific content and processes
  • Research and investigation, both adult led and child led
  • Questioning skills  
  • Children value outdoor learning as a mindful wellbeing activity and understanding how it can make us feel calm, peaceful and happy.
  • Children interested in subject; enthusiastic, self-led, motivated
  • Able to make links and reason
  • Able to apply skills and knowledge to new situations
  • Transfer knowledge of the world and how this could impact on the future (higher order thinking skills)
  • An understanding of how to use different tools and equipment.


Developing sensory awareness at the kitchen garden at Wisley Gardens

Please click below to read more about our whole school skills progression.

We include prompts and inspiration for children to engage with science outside at playtimes
