Our intention is to provide children with a broad, deep understanding of how to use technology purposefully and safely, and how it links to every day life. Through our curriculum we intend for children to be digitally competent with a range of transferable skills and to be responsible online citizens.
Through the use of Kapow Primary Computing scheme, the computing curriculum is categorised into 3 strands:
1. computer science
2. information technology
3. digital literacy
In addition, cross curricular links are made eg maths use of programmable toys in relation to direction, measurements etc. Continuous Provision also includes IT activities using platforms such as BBC Bitesize, Top Marks, Type with Tizzy, BBC Dancemat, Kiddle, Numbots and Timetables Rock Stars.
E-safety features explicitly throughout the computing curriculum and is enhanced through the RSHE curriculum and Safer Internet Day.
Learning in computing will be enjoyed across the school. Children will use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside a progression in their technical skills. They will be confident using a range of age appropriate hardware and software. Children will see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make. They will be confident and respectful digital citizens going on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.