Our Vision Statement

Our vision is built on Jesus' teaching, inspired by the vision he had for his own ministry. In John 10:10, Jesus explained that he "Came to give life - life in all its fullness," and this is also our vision for our whole school community and is the powerful thread that runs through everything we do and expresses who we are.
The vision also encompasses our Christian Values, which feature on the school logo:

Our school community "Lives life in all its fullness" John 10:10
Through a love of learning
“Wise people are always learning, always listening for more” Proverbs 18:15
We aim to:
- foster within our children emotional intelligence and a love of learning
- enable children to become independent learners
- develop learners who are thoughtful and reflective.
By having a sense of unity
“Love is what holds you together in perfect unity” Colossians 3:14
We aim to:
- be a highly inclusive school at the heart of the community
- encourage children to show responsibility for themselves, those around them and the wider world
- have a strong, caring ethos, based on Christian principles of love and friendship.
Understanding right and wrong
“Speak up and judge fairly. Defend the rights of the poor and needy” Proverbs 31:9
We aim to:
- teach children to show empathy to everyone, celebrating differences
- help children to recognise that forgiving each other is at the heart of positive relationships
- develop children who are able to be courageous, challenge injustice and look beyond themselves to consider the needs of others.
Being able to persevere through life’s challenges
“Happy is the person who doesn’t give up” James 1:12
We aim to:
- to provide an environment with a Growth Mindset culture and ethos; where mistakes are a valuable part of learning
- support children when coping with challenges, resulting in resilient learners
- encourage children to have the self-confidence to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ and take positive risks.
With dignity and respect for ourselves and others
“In everything set them an example by doing what is good” Titus 2:7
We aim to:
- teach children to understand and respect the beliefs and cultures of others and appreciate the diversity of the society in which we live
- develop children who are accepting of each other and who form positive relationships
- help children to appreciate all we have
And with hope for the future and all that it brings
“Be joyful because you have hope” Romans 12:12
We aim to:
- nurture children’s self-belief so they have the confidence to be the best they can be
- equip children with confidence for lifelong learning
- foster a sense of empowerment, that we can all make a difference within our world.