Intent - Our Vision
We want our children to:
- Develop a range of geographical skills and know how to apply them.
- Understand that the world and people’s lives vary from place to place.
- Gain a geographical perspective on their local environment and the wider world.
- Be able to apply their knowledge to understand connections between places.
- To consider the value of different geographical skills and resources.
- Appreciate and celebrate cultural traditions, arts and influences in Britain and around the world.
Implementation - How we will deliver this to achieve our goal
Impact - How we know our vision has come to fruition
Our children are ready for the next stage of their educational journey, leaving us:
- With an enthusiastic interest in geography, inspired and motivated to continue to learn.
- Able to make links and reason about geographical questions and ideas.
- Able to apply knowledge to new situations.
- Transferring knowledge of the world and how this could impact on the future, using higher order thinking skills.
- An understanding of geography and how to use sources.
- Interested in and appreciative of the natural and human geography of the world around us.
- Appreciative of the rich variety of cultures and cultural influences in Britain and around the world.