There are a few ways you can support St Nics PSA, these include:
Second Hand Uniform Sales
We have a stock of second hand uniform items available to buy – sales will be organised throughout the year or email if you’re looking for uniform items.
As your child outgrows their uniform items, please consider donating them to the PSA to be sold to help raise money for the school.
Easy Fundraising
Easyfundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site. Access over 4,000 online retailers including John Lewis, Argos, eBay and M&S and easyfundraising will give a free donation every time you shop online. It only takes 2 minutes to sign up at association-guildford/
Direct Donations
It is also possible to donate directly to the PSA bank account:
Account Name: St Nicolas School PSA
Sort Code: 40-22-26
Account Number: 62264730