The emotional and social well-being of our children goes 'hand in hand' with their academic success. 'Happy children make effective learners' and for the majority of the time that is our children! But life presents challenges to us all along the way and with this in mind, we employ ELSA trained staff to work with individuals when they need a little extra support.
Who is the ELSA
Mrs Carter.
In ELSA I provide support for children who may be struggling with:
Supporting - not fixing!
An ELSA's aim is NOT to fix children's problems.
What we can do is give children some time out of the classroom where they can share their thoughts and feelings without being interrupted, whilst also doing something practical eg: making/creating. We will then look at strategies to support the children through the feelings or experiences they are having.
What are ELSA sessions and what do they include?
ELSA sessions provide children with a regular time and space to come out of the classroom for ELSA sessions. This is usually done on a 1:1 basis with an ELSA, in the treehouse. This room is a calm and mindful room which children seem to love exploring. Sessions may involve activities such as: playing games, doing arts and crafts, creating puppets for role-play or cooking which enables children to have fun whilst learning, developing and expressing their emotional and social skills. These sessions may also include developing and practicing personal self help strategies in order to help manage their emotions.
Do get in touch wih your child's class teacher or
Mrs Carter ( if you feel your child would benefit from this support.
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