We strive to meet the holistic needs of our children, academic, spiritual and emotional in order to live "Life in all its fullness" John 10:10. With this in mind, we ensure the emotional wellbeing of both our children and staff always remains a very high priority and our commitment to this can be found on our annual School Development Plan. Through our school vision and RSHE lessons, we continually refer to how we feel as human beings, and that emotions are important to acknowledge and respond to if action is needed.
Every Friday afternoon the Year 1 and 2 children take part in a carousel of Wellbeing Boosters, including Forest School, Cooking and Music & Movement. These sessions are a wonderful way not only to end the week, but most importantly to provide children with skills and interests needed to use when life inevitably becomes challenging.
They provide space and time to enjoy each others' company and to discover new activities which may be taken up as hobbies or even become life-long passions. This can help to boost the confidence of children who find academic subjects more challenging, while broadening the interests of those who already feel comfortable tackling academic tasks.